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Autor Thema: Whol l'olath ilhar  (Gelesen 101072 mal)


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  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #600 am: 14.12.2005, 10:50:56 »
 "Hmm, that's a possibility..." says Keth

"Zouhlnor is the most imposing of you males, while Narzen is a wizard, or are you just wanting a chance at emulating Jarlaxle, Geirildin?" says Keth arching an eyebrow at Geirildin.

"I will let the others decide, but no matter who it is, I will allow no disrespect to any of us female," says Keth.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #601 am: 14.12.2005, 11:35:14 »
 "Whomever that Jarlaxle is," Geirildin replies, "I have no intention to challenge your leadership, malla yathrin! Hence I said to pretend being the leader in times of need." He bows his head again. "No disrespect to Zouhlnor, but he just joined our little enterprise and I can only speak for myself in saying that I know how to command a drow band, having been a captain of my house for some 30 odd years."

From behind his back, Nata'al signals to Keth: "His house in Eryndlyn is quite powerful, so he might be high up there in their troops. Then again, he could just be a courteous liar." A sly grin on her face. "Of course, who cares as long as the ploy works and if he wants to be the one in front ..." she ends with a shrug.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 641
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #602 am: 14.12.2005, 13:50:48 »
 "I don't know much of mercenary groups so my question is if we need a proper reason for rejecting any offer. Just in case if someone wants to spend much money for our service."


  • Beiträge: 249
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #603 am: 14.12.2005, 16:40:43 »
 "If I daresay, seeing as the majority of our present company are in fact mercenaries, I would not concern ourselves overly much with details, but merely... act casually," Narzen smiles dryly.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #604 am: 14.12.2005, 21:43:33 »
 "I don't expect any acceptable offers because we have no reputation here." Zhadristan says.  


  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #605 am: 14.12.2005, 22:03:00 »
 Keth grins back at Nata'al, "Geirildin can play leader for a bit then," says Keth.


  • Beiträge: 134
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #606 am: 15.12.2005, 09:05:11 »
 Iira nods towards  Jhalashar.
"Aye, your right in wanting to be a bit more cautous with the hook. I'll stick to the weapons I have then. They have served me well and shall continue to do so. Now we have how we will present ourselves if needed are we ready to move onward?"


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #607 am: 15.12.2005, 16:02:29 »
 The scouts nods and gets you going again. You make it safely back to the main tunnel, but when you reach it, Talice stops and points at some clearly visible tracks. A group of about a dozen in strength ventured the path while you rested. From the looks of the tracks - Talice points here and there for those oblivious to details, you gather that they were in a hurry, moving towards Szith Morcane. Every now and then a drop of blood can be seen too, where people brushed a wall and touched its surface. No sound can be heard in either direction though.

"Don't like it," signals the scout, "looks like trouble ahead to me." Nonetheless, she moves slowly onwards towards Vournoth' Mire.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 641
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #608 am: 15.12.2005, 19:50:01 »
 Can you guess how much time passed since they came along? Sheiriya signals to Talice.
She wraps her veil closer around her and puts on a glove for her left hand.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #609 am: 15.12.2005, 20:31:35 »
 The female kneels down and checks some of the tracks more closely. "A few hours. We may go back towards the direction of Szith Morcane to see whether they do not come back, but I can place a thundertrap here and there as well. So we will at least hear anyone coming our way?"
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 641
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #610 am: 15.12.2005, 20:58:33 »
 "I don't know where we want to get in the end and perhaps more important, when."
Sheiriya answeres.
"But it would be nice to know what lies in front of us and they might  tell us."

Drakkar Daveneorn

  • Beiträge: 81
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #611 am: 15.12.2005, 21:39:03 »
 During the conversation about mercenary leadership...

"I take no disrespect from you Geirildin, I haven't earned nor want  leadership duty. It is my experiance that us big imposing types are far less keen then those of frailer statures, and therefore we are easily kept in check as mindless sellswords,and that is my purpose" Zouhlor says with half a smile.


  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #612 am: 16.12.2005, 00:00:17 »
 "Not caring for those signs of people fleeing, and injured at that. I wonder what is happening ahead," signs Keth.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #613 am: 16.12.2005, 00:20:13 »
 Talice nods and leads you on toward the place she called Vournoth' Mire. The tunnel is wide enough for a great wyrm to walk unhindered, so large pack lizards or fire giants won't have any problems here. Neither are present, but the trail of blood intensifies with every step. The scouts points at a bloody footstep here and there and you soon recognize the familar imprint of drow boots moving towards Szith Morcane.
"Strange that they had no healing magic handy to cover their trail," Nata'al signals.
After about an hour the tunel spreads out into a series of large but flat caverns, some of which filled with water. In the distance the rush of an Underdark becomes audible, but apart from that, silence rules this place too. The trail bypasses one of the lakes and Talice points to some place in the distance and her fingers tell you: "Over there lies Vournoth' stronghold. A stalagmite fortress. Haven't been there myself, but other scouts say that it stands empty ever since the Maerimydryr didn't needed it."
She moves on and leads you through towards a field of fungi, which covers a slope right next to the lake.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #614 am: 16.12.2005, 10:00:22 »
 Keth continues to follow along, keeping a good eye on her surroundings.

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