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Autor Thema: Whol l'olath ilhar  (Gelesen 101584 mal)


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  • Beiträge: 134
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #585 am: 09.12.2005, 09:29:35 »
 Nodding towards Zouhlnor, Iira signs a reply "I prefer to collect from things I participate in killing. Know for sure the blood is fresh then. If we go closer to the bodies you can collect if you want. I have plenty of vials for the both of us."


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #586 am: 09.12.2005, 15:10:00 »
 Talice mumbles something about the rarity of fire giants thus far south, then gets you going again. The path leads you downwards from now on and the humidity of the air increases by the hour. After  what must have been a good day's walk from your last resting point, the scout stops and lets you gather around her. "The Mire is about two miles to the south of here, as are the watery tunnels. I suggest that we rest hereabouts for the day and try to get as far as we can tomorrow!?"
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #587 am: 09.12.2005, 21:15:19 »
 Keth nods at Talice's suggestion, "While resting, perhaps Narzen and Jhalashar could take a look at the unidentified items again," says Keth


  • Beiträge: 249
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #588 am: 09.12.2005, 23:23:47 »
 "As you wish, malla jabbress," Narzen replies, bowing slightly.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #589 am: 11.12.2005, 12:31:05 »
 The scouts leads you into a very narrow side-tunnel, apparently nothing more than a gigantic crack in the wall. After a while, she begins climbing up the walls ... which is quite easy, even for the untrained. Some ten feet off the ground lies a horizontal crack in the wall where all can squeeze through easily enough too. Six feet further on that way, a flat cavern appears, filled with hundreds of small stalagmites and stalagtites. A handful of tiny lizards call this place their home, otherwise it is empty. Once everyone is there, Talice places a couple of thunderstomes near the entrance. Before getting to rest, she says quietly: "I assume that we will meet the first patrols of Maerimydra tomorrow or the day after. So we better have a story ready in advance?!"

Jhalashar moves over to Narzen, a professional look on his face and ready to identify more items.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #590 am: 11.12.2005, 20:25:22 »
 Keth will put the Morningstar back into the pile getting the Heavy Mace instead and the Periapt.
"Fire can be fun," says Keth with a grin, "and this periapt should help make my magic stronger."

"Excellent work Narzen and Jhalashar. You two should decide how to sort those arcane scrolls between yourselfs, unless someone else here can do arcane magic," says Keth.

"Once we get a chance to to resupply, I might be interested in that crossbow, this way I have some ranged capability other than magic. And if the two of you can concentrate on those bolts, that would be great benefit to those that are primarily ranged attackers," continues Keth

"As to what type of cover story to use. What type of city is Maerimydra?" asks Keth, "Besides one that has lost to humans."


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #591 am: 12.12.2005, 15:30:05 »
 Jhalashar bows slightly and replies "I will do my best to please you and the goddess, malla yathrin!"

The scout scratches her bald head and shakes it slightly. "Do not know much about the current state of affairs in Maerimydra. Last time I was here, the trader came outside of the city for bartering. We were not allowed to enter, due to some 'internal strife', as the trader put it." After collecting her thunderstones again, the female waits till everyone is ready to go.

Do check the last page of the orga thread for updates on the items. Warlcokco was already there, apparently.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 641
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #592 am: 12.12.2005, 18:05:44 »
 "And what about our story? Shall we tell them the truth or something different?" Sheiriya asks before the group leaves the cavern.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #593 am: 12.12.2005, 19:33:40 »
 "Something along the lines of caravan ambush survivors?" Zhadristan suggests.


  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #594 am: 12.12.2005, 23:47:11 »
 "Is Sith Morcane closer to us than Maerimydra? With Sith Morcane being an outpost for Maerimydra, we could get a better feel for events there, and plan our story better. My house has strong merchantile ties, so we could say we are looking to establish a route from one of the cities of the North Dark like Menzoberranzan with Maerimydra," says Keth

Drakkar Daveneorn

  • Beiträge: 81
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #595 am: 13.12.2005, 03:12:57 »
 "It is an odd thing when drow travel freely in the underdark, seeing as how we are suposed to be of houses that are basically solitary. I suggest, if we truely wish to be a part of this city and gain access to all of its streets we go in as the one thing drow houses are always in need of, Mercenaries. We should approch as a group with an identifiable leader and second in command, and we should have a group name. Mercenaries are always calling themselves something outlandish," says Zouhlnor


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #596 am: 13.12.2005, 10:00:29 »
 Nata'al nods at the mercenary suggestion. "Good idea! We are certainly strong enough a group." The scout stops in her tracks and turns to Keth. "No way that we go back to Szith Morcane from here. Maerimydra lies just about four days travel to the south, Szith Morcane," she shakes her head, "some ten to twelve days to the west. Including a boat travel on the Lake of Shadows."
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #597 am: 14.12.2005, 05:54:30 »
 "Mercenaries doesn't sound too bad, however one of the biggest questions is should I appear as a Yathrin of the Goddess or not? Given our tendacies to kill each other," says Keth as her Holy Symbol vanishes from view, her Scourge of Fangs takes on the appearance of a vicious-looking scourge, her orange eyes turn blood red, her silver hair turns white, and her garments turn a bit more plain and worn in appearance.


  • Beiträge: 134
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #598 am: 14.12.2005, 09:20:35 »
 "The life of a mercenary is one I've been living for some time. It's basicly why I am travelling with this group. No problem with me stating that as our purpose."

Iira turns to face Zouhlnor and chuckles slightly. "Fancy names for groups tends to be the thing they do up on the surface more so then below it... at least in my experience. Plus it would be easier to be less noticable if we don't try to claim some group name."

He turns his attention towards Keth and says, "The choice of how you should appear is mostly up to you malla yathrin. It is best that is sorted out know though so we will know how to address you." With this he gives a slight bow.

After a few moments he asks the scout, "Can we expect any undead on the way to or inside of Maerimydra? I remember that hook seemed to be useful against such things. I'd like to make use of the hook in combat if a fight against undead looks probable."


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #599 am: 14.12.2005, 10:02:27 »
 Jhalashar draws in a audible breath when the hook is mentioned. "I don't think it is a weapon, more like a nasty tool. I'm pretty sure that it works on anything, but I'd suggest a proper identification first, as it is heavily cloaked in necromantic magic and could have some back-draws for the wielder."
At these words, Nata'al raises an eyebrow and inspects her right hand more closely.
Meanwhile, the scouts replies to Iira: "Haven't seen any undead in or nearby Maerimydra. Doesn't mean they haven't any, but ..."
Listening to the debate, Geirildin steps forward too and bows slightly to Keth. "To my knowledge, most mercenary companies, at least when roaming Har'oloth, are under command of males. Given my rank and order from my house, I do know how such groups work, having been in charge of one for the last few months. So, I could pretend to be the leader of the group to cover your identity ... or at least to draw any unneccesary attention away from you?" He adds: "If we actually meet anyone who asks questions, of course."
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


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